Friday, August 15, 2008

Mabelle getting settled...sorta

So we've moved, and Mabelle is getting settled in the new house just fine. She is ornery as ever, a complete spaz (just like me). She knows her birthday is soon, and will tell anyone who asks her, what she would like for her birthday...and it'll be different each time someone asks! And she loves her new house, especially her pool.

Heading to our new dance class...we ditched Ms. Eva (she was scaaary), and now have a fun teacher with lots of girls her age!

"Look, Mama! I have a bookbag, just like Daddy!" (Daddy carries a bookbag to work)

She got this cool scooter thing for Christmas from her great-grandparents, and is a pro at it...especially now down our loooooong hallway. You have to move the steering wheel back and forth to get it to move.
Can you see how far she went? It's a long hallway, I sprinted as fast as I could run the other's crazy!
Our first dip in the pool (she's only swam twice...we just got it blasted/cleaned and refilled, and it hasn't heated up yet).
Swimming to the waterfall and touching it.
Sitting on the steps of the pooooool.


Karol said...

I wanna come play with Mabelle in the pool...

Jenifer said...

Mabelles backpack is adorable and i love her scooter!She looks so sweet playing in the pool too :)

ps, Jerry says he will build you a real waterfall...such a dork, LOL!

justheather said...

what a big girl with her backpack and super cool scooter! Can't believe she will be 3 soon!! BTW send me some of those "what I want for my birthday" ideas;~)

Goms said...

Love the pool w/ waterfall! Mabs looks like she is having loads of fun on her scooter!

eliseschnarr said...

i'm with heather on sending the b-day ideas this way. she is such a big girl with her fancy bag. and speaking of fancy...the pool looks very nice;)
p.s - lmao at the name of our blog in your faves...schnarr-tritten addition hahaha!!

.:Heather:. said...

we want to swim in the pool too!!! how fun! she looks adorable-a little perfect ballerina! :)

cate said...

I love the ballerina! How sweet! I would love to have a pool like that in my back yard. How fun!