Saturday, September 20, 2008

Check-up x 2!

Mabelle and Cash both had check-ups this past Thursday. It was Mabelle's first time meeting her new doctor...and it went really, really well. Ever since her bout with rotovirus, she has cried at every doc appt (from the time we walk to the back til we get to the car...major fear!). She didn't shed a single tear, and was the best little patient ever!! She had just received a doctor kit from Nana a few days before the check-up, so we did a bazillion pretend check-ups to pump her up, read her Elmo gets a check-up book, and told her how wonderful Dr. Conti is. It all worked. And Dr. Conti letting her check our throats, eyes and ears was helpful as well. She is now 27lbs (can you even believe we broke 25lbs???), and 35 inches tall. She is healthy and all looks well.

Cash was a happy camper thru it all too. Even with his 2 shots (he only cried for a second), he was smiling the whole time. He is now 18.8lbs and 27inches long...rapidly catching up with his sister. A testament to his size....when Dr. Conti walked in, he said "Hey, Cash! We're almost a year, aren't we? Ooooh, 8 months? You're just a BIG boy." Hahahaha!

(Does this picture remind anyone of the Elton John/Kiki Dee song, Don't go Breaking my Heart?)


justheather said...

Ooh-hoo, and nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Ooh-hoo, and nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Ooh-hoo.. I gave you my heart

Kids after my heart! I LOVE Elton John:) Theres next years halloween costume!! hahaha

Glad the doc went so well! YAY

eliseschnarr said...

Glad to hear doc check-ups went well! Again..the naked kids - they crack me up!!

cate said...

Wow! She is getting so old. Ella ia almost her size! 20 lbs, 31 inches. I would love to get them together!

Jenifer said...

YAY for Mabes being such a good girl at the doc! And Mr Ca$h, oh WOW.. Christian and him are almost the same size! LOL!!

Love the picture at the end.......C-U-T-E!

tracyvanhorne said...

I am so behind... but I'm loving all the posts! So glad to hear the check-ups went well and Mabs is feeling comfortable at the doctor again. :)

kelly said...

So precious! love the Elton John picture ;)