Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who do I sue?

For physical and emotional damages??? Poor Cash has these red marks on his little cheeks, right on the sides of his mouth. They've been there for about a week...we thought a food allergy resulting in rash, and racked our brains for what he was allergic too. Came up with nothing. So then we thought, well maybe it's the ridges on his pacifier, irritating him. Maybe...but then realized tonight that the red marks are actual bruises! He is either aggresively sucking his pacifier, or his cheeks are too large for them. How sad (and funny). So now we have to change his pacifiers from what he has been using for 8 months, to something new. He has rejected many others. So for his physical and emotional distress....who do I sue??

Can you see the red marks thru the ritz cracker crumbs?
Mabelle giving his owies love.
The culprit.
Do they make convex pacifiers? HAHAHAHA! Darn concave ones, his cheeks are too big :(


tracyvanhorne said...

How about ones like these?

They use them in hospitals I think. Poor thing! I hope he finds a good pacifier soon! :(

Jenifer said...

Awwww...those cheeks... poor little guy.

Kerri said...

OMG that paci story is too funny...poor baby :) I hope his cheeks get better soon!

Goms said...

poor baby! I second the soothie pacis. Give this a try - http://www.preemie.com/Red-Dog-Wubbanub-with-Newborn-Soothie_p_2293.html

eliseschnarr said...

poor cash!!! blame the one who invented the darn thing:)

justheather said...

poor little man!! hope the switch isn't to traumatic:)

.:Heather:. said...

Oh my! Poor little guy! It makes me wonder if this is why Sage never took a paci. Hmmmm