Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy BIRTHDAY Mabelle!!!

Whoa....3 years old....sniff sniff.... But our little Mabelle had a fantastic birthDAY.

She awoke to a grand donut castle (thanks, Tracy for letting me steal your idea!)
She only ate the frosting and sprinkles!! Nice.
I wanna think he was making sweet eyes at his sister :)
" Look at my birtday shirt" (thanks Jen, for letting us copy you ;)
Cute as can be!
Her birthDAY presents...just from Mommy, Daddy, Cash, Mimi, Papa & Noelle!
Just too funny....she hearts the statue of liberty...hee hee
Sitting on a gift, talking on the phone...she talked alot on the phone!
Her Giselle dress....she loved it!

She loved all her gifts....highlights included a bike from Mimi & Papa, skates from Noelle, dress from Mommy & Daddy...and....see below for the other fav!
Bowling pins for our very own bowling alley! hahahaha!
Dancing, playing and singing...she's a triple threat!!
It was then bathtime and bedtime...and time to get ready for her party the next day!


Jenifer said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! Dont know where to start...the castle, gifts, bowling in the house, how cute little miss Mabelle is...Love it all! Looks like she had a FANTASTIC time! Way to go mama!

Ps,My bday is in April...I'm expecting my donut castle, k? ;)

shari b. said...

Thanks for the great postings of Princess Mabelle's big day. It includes those of us who couldn't be there!! We love you all and Tracy, you absolutely are an amazing mom!

love you

Unknown said...

those last pictures are the best thing ever

justheather said...

What a great thing to wake up to, a birtday castle!! How cute! And the birthday shirt is great. The tower-o-presents is pretty awesome too. What a fun day! I can't wait to see some video of the newest pop star!

tracyvanhorne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MABELLE!! Man, I want to have a birthday in your family... what a haul! Well, it would probably help my cause if I were as cute as Mabs, huh? :)

Oh and please share where you got that fantastic dress for Miss Mabs?

.:Heather:. said...

Poor thing didn't get ANY presents! :( HAHA! She is adorable in that shirt (she looks way more grown up!) and her guitar!

Also, I love your wood floors!

Goms said...

You are a FANTASTIC mama! Great donut cake to start the day, what an haul of presents, great guitar...

eliseschnarr said...

what an awesome 3rd birthday!!! love all the pics and the bowling alley:)

Logan said...

LOVE the pictures Tracy! What an amazing 3rd bday. You are such a great, fun mama!! And you have some of the most stinkin' cute kids ever!!