Saturday, September 27, 2008

A trip to the park with James!

Its starting to get nice here, so park visits are gonna be a little more frequent. YAY! Here's some pics from our park visit this past week.

Hanging on the bar with James. Goofy kids!
Mabelle and James swinging! Mabs doesn't like the swings, so this is a BIG deal!
She didn't want me anywhere next to her, and told me to go sit on the bench. I'm all the way to the left with Cash...she's all the way to the right on the swing. Nice, huh?
Ready to go back into the playground.
Cash in grass.
Mabelle hugging yet another most of you know, she hugs all trees!
Mabs & James running and playing tug-o-war with James' hat.


Jenifer said...

What an adorable little tree hugger ;).

justheather said...

I love that little tree hugger:~) And Mr. Cash in the grass, what a big boy!

tracyvanhorne said...

Your daughter is just the cutest little thing! Tree hugger, that is so sweet!

.:Heather:. said...

I am so ready for cooler weather for more park trips!