Friday, October 3, 2008

From around town...

Do I really need a reason to post pics? Hee hee.... These are some pics from my and Jason's phones.

Noelle and Mabelle after the Show in the Sky (also known as half naked ladies throwing beads from floats on the ceiling)...she was so excited to get all those beads! She didn't like the Rio until after this...loud, fun music and accessories...yes, please!
Cash wearing James' sunglasses at the park.
"Look, it's like the Green Witch!!!!" (the Green Witch is the Wicked Witch off of Wizard of Oz).
(the last pic is from Jason's iphone....such a better pic than my camera takes!)


Jenifer said...

WOW on the clear picture on the iphone..guess you need one too now ;). Pictures are MUY cute! LOVE Mabelles shirt in the last one! Tailia has that (in pink) in sweater form!

eliseschnarr said...

noelle and mabelle are a mess with their beads!!!

Jenn said...

I laughed out loud when I saw that pic of Cash in James' sunglasses. i remember when he was wearing them at the park. Cutie pie!

justheather said...

thats a girl who knows what she wants! and um why does j get the fancy shmancy need one i think;)

.:Heather:. said...

LOVE them!!!!!! Is that really Mabelle in the last pic? She looks like a 5 year old in that picture! :)