Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bathtime Band!

Well, more like a bathtime solo. Joint bathtime is so much fun for the both of them, Mabs puts on a show and Cash watches, laughs, and smiles in complete adoration. It's perfect for both of them (and me when I bathe them alone)!! Here they are being silly together...

Mabelle playing the drums, see her blurry hand :)
Cash clapping (on his own), for her wonderful singing and playing...she was singing "Six little birds that Belle once knew, plump ones, skinny ones, fair ones too. But the one little bird with a song so sweet...he led the others with a tweet tweet tweet." All while drumming to the correct beat. Talent.

Ta-da! And a quick statue of liberty pose...and she's done.
Cash's turn with the drumsticks....he plays the drums too.

But thought they tasted better than the sounded that night.


Jenifer said...

LOL! So cute. Love the little nudist band ;).

justheather said...

What fun! I love her little song...that's a new one for me, too cute;) LOL at the nudist band!

Mabelle Grace said...

Nothing like good muisc while in the bathtub just makes everything seem so much better'. Grandma Teresa

eliseschnarr said...

So fun! you should really try to get them on the vegas circuit...:)

tracyvanhorne said...

so cute! :)

.:Heather:. said...

How fun! that song is so cute!!! I loved taking baths with my little sis! :)