Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cash-y Poo.

Mabelle is too on the go, and too awesome for me to take pictures of, so this is a Cash post. She makes a run for it when I try to take pics with my weird. LOL! So here's the little man...babbling, waving, clapping on demand, and cutting a tooth (his little gums are sooo swollen). Oh wait, and keeping me up all night...still.

Mabelle's blanket isn't the only item that he bites as hard as he can...her piggie also gets the brunt of his frustrations...hahahaha!
Just in case you were wondering what Cash looked like upside down and happy.

Upside down and surprised.


Jenifer said...

OMG..I wanna pinch his little fricken cute!!!

justheather said...

hahaha! I love the surprised look! and the little diva is going to start charging for photo ops:) LOL

Mabelle Grace said...

Cutting a tooth pain is all i can think of...Poor little guy. Grandma Teresa

Kristy said...

I love those pics of Cash! so funny.

eliseschnarr said...

love the first pic and all of his sweet rolls:)

tracyvanhorne said...

hahaha! that surprised look is so cute!

Mabelle Grace said...

Once they are on the move it is so hard to get a good picture! Sorry to hear he's not a good sleeper. I've got one of those- he refused to sleep through the first year. He does much better now but wants to get up for a snack in the middle of the night. Oy~

.:Heather:. said...

haha! He looks so cute surprised!

Sage isn't into pics either, actually she hasn't been for a long time. Strange little kiddos!