Saturday, January 17, 2009

And the 4th Photo Caption is....

Thanks for those who participated in my little game in the previous post (if you haven't gotten a chance yet...skip this post and go to the next one, post your comment, then return here to see if you were right).

Oh, how sad, no one had any faith in my ornery little girl ;) hahahaha!

Here it is:

As she gently patted him on the head, she told him "You're such a good boy, Cashy! Did you know that I'm a Cash that can't talk??"


Jenn said...

Mabelle is officially the sweetest older sister in the world! Cashy couldn't be luckier.

Jenifer said...

Awwwww! Sorry Mabes! I was just going off the kids i have here and what Tailia would say..LOL!

eliseschnarr said...

i still think she was whispering evils in his ear...haha! but for real, what a sweet big sister

.:Heather:. said...

OMG, snort!!!!!!!!!! That was freaking funny!