Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cash's Year Checkup

We had Cash's one year checkup today, and all is well. He weighs in at 20lbs 14oz, and is 29inches tall (Mabelle was 21lbs at 2years!!!). He'll be able to hold his own against the big "Cashy" really soon ;) He got one vaccination and is almost caught up on them. At a year, he loves to watch tv (i know, i know), loves to play with his big sister, is almost running and babbles quite a bunch. He loves to bang on things like they are drums, and throws everything he can to investigate its sound. He is also a climber, he can scale the stairs in no time flat. He is still the sweetest little baby, and is very much a Mama's boy :) ...and still wakes alot at night, cause he misses me. hahahaha!

The only bummer of our day is that he had diarrhea all over me this morning, a low fever and then vomitted before his nap (so I'm on my 3rd change of clothes today, Cash is on his 2nd). We're praying it's not what Jason had...eek, pray with us.

The Diary of a 'Movement' ;)

Thought you'd enjoy that series of pics :)
p.s. I have more pics of gift opening from all the mailed gifts we have, just trying to get organized, they'll be posted soon!


Jenifer said...

Feel better soon Mr Cashy!!! XOXO! Love the pixs!

Mabelle Grace said...

Great way to catch the "movement"--adorable! Hope everyone feels better soon.- Courtney

justheather said...

He is such a smarty, just like his big sister. You can actually see whe wheels turning in there! Hope he's feeling better soon and hope mama can stay clean!

eliseschnarr said...

Hope he feels better soon! Yay for good appts:)

Unknown said...

LOVES TV!? i just read this article for my media theory class see how much TV you wanna show him afterwards!

tracyvanhorne said...

Fell better big boy!! :)

Jenn said...

Can't get enough of the baby Cash rolls!

.:Heather:. said...

How is he feeling now???? I hope he's all better!