We still haven't heard the test results from Cash's poop drama, but we did have a crazy day. Mabelle had a fever, runny nose, sneezes, & watery eyes...I think our wait in the sick waiting room yesterday might've had something to do with it...maybe. And then, we also tried to keep Cash in his undies (while we were home), so that his little rear could air out and not be so irritated. Well...on our last potty trip before we headed upstairs for bath, I told Cash "let's go potty". Sat him down, he peed...then POOPED!!!!!!!!!!!!! And peed two more times, before he said "awda" (code for all done). AMAZING. I'm still trying to potty train, even in the wake of our poop drama. Seems like he's definitely trying too as well!
Of course, I sang & danced in celebration of his potty triumph....then sent Mabelle for my phone (to document it & then send out a pic to 3 lucky people! Don't be jealous, I can resend the uncensored photo to any requestors :))
The little guy admiring his good work...censored with Paint, cause I was not close to my Photoshop ;)