Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No more poop drama...

We still haven't heard the test results from Cash's poop drama, but we did have a crazy day. Mabelle had a fever, runny nose, sneezes, & watery eyes...I think our wait in the sick waiting room yesterday might've had something to do with it...maybe. And then, we also tried to keep Cash in his undies (while we were home), so that his little rear could air out and not be so irritated. Well...on our last potty trip before we headed upstairs for bath, I told Cash "let's go potty". Sat him down, he peed...then POOPED!!!!!!!!!!!!! And peed two more times, before he said "awda" (code for all done). AMAZING. I'm still trying to potty train, even in the wake of our poop drama. Seems like he's definitely trying too as well!
Of course, I sang & danced in celebration of his potty triumph....then sent Mabelle for my phone (to document it & then send out a pic to 3 lucky people! Don't be jealous, I can resend the uncensored photo to any requestors :))
The little guy admiring his good work...censored with Paint, cause I was not close to my Photoshop ;)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy 15 Months, sweet Cash!

Cash is now 15months (as of 2 days ago)...time really flies. He is talking & babbling more...with some words that I can now recognize more. But he's quiet like his daddy. And sweet like his mama (hahahaha). He's doing well with potty training, still the same...we've had a little scare today with blood in his stool, but hoping tests come back negative. He's acting perfectly normal, so we'll keep you updated (oh, and I have a pic of the said bloody stool...I can post it too...yucko!)

Happy 15months big boy!

Funny things :)

Mabelle saying she's Dr. Oompa Loompa, and telling me she's got to give Cash a checkup cause he's sick...and he needs a BIG shot! HAHAHAHA!! (notice her beeper)
With Papa here, we discovered a new outlet mall in Primm...this mall was soo cool, except the HUGE two statues of a man and a woman in their swimsuits. The man's was, of course, a speedo. So I told David it was a perfect photo op! HAHAHAHAHA!

Also at the mall...a flamingo wishing fountain. Sweet.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday...Pool Day!

The day started with Papa moving locations, from his hotel to our house...he brought all the toiletries from his room to Mabelle (so smart, who would've thought she'd be so excited about little soap, cotton balls, and a shower cap?!). Then we proceeded to meet up with Aunt Noelle and Whitney at the MGM poooool...it was 86, and the water was FREEEEEEEZING. And being the awesome auntie she is, Noelle got in the pool every single time Mabelle asked, which was ALOT! lol! Sweet Cash is just as much our water baby as Mabelle is, he had the best time in the pool. Enjoy the slideshow :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cash's first haircut!!

Jason mentioned he had to cut his hair, and jokingly asked the kids if they wanted their heads shaved. And since Cash can't answer us, he got his hair cut too! HAHAHAHA! We talked it over for about 10mnts, I even started crying (cause I'm a sap) about cutting my baby's hair for the first time (Mabelle still has not had a trim...ever!). But we decided he needed that outgrown hair around his ears trimmed...so daddy chose the style and got the clippers!

Here is the before of his cute little baby hair.
Jason starting...I was holding the camera and Cash (talent).

Doing a great job...Cash kept moving around and the wind was blowing, but he did GREAT for his first haircut. And Jason did amazing getting it even with the moving head and heavy winds.

Hold still...

Already with a punk attitude!

It's a MOHAWK!

Soooo cute! (notice the undies/trainers!!!)

The back of the mohawk. Potty training update...still doing great, had 4 accidents in first 4 days, then today on Day 5 he had 4 more! HAHAHA! Just taking it day by day, he's doing great and holds it until he gets distracted. Even held it for almost 2 hours tonight. Such a big boy...where'd my baby go?!?!

Silly kids

Just some cutes ones from around the house...

We ignore this warning ;)
Cash's turn...I have to push Mabs since Cash can't push her fast enough. But he loves this!

Papa is in town for business but has made time for the babies..including staying this weekend to spend lots of time with them. They were so excited (so stay tuned for more pics of his visit!).

I think this is her second temporary tattoo ever...crazy, huh?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Swim of the Season

Mabelle enjoyed the first swim of the season...on a 94 degree day in a 74 degree pool. Sounds refreshing, but according to her quivering jaw and blue arms after 15mnts, it seemed to be more like FREEZING! So it was a short swim, but she was happy and mama/daddy stayed dry (Daddy was walking along the side with his trunks on, in case she needed him). I'm hoping after a few more hot days the water will warm up a little more (especially with the new solar cover too). Brrrr....

Posing for me, but looking at herself in the glass door.
Does that face say, "I'm having the best time ever" or what??!

Making that scrunchy face Cash does...swimming laps in her floatie.

Trying out the new arm floaties the Easter bunny brought her...she's not totally comfy with them yet. But likes them!

Day 3 of Potty Training

Let's see...Cash is not quite 15 months. On his first day of undies, he had 2 accidents...on the second day, he had one accident, and on the third day he had one (til 530...then we had 2 in less than 30mnts. I'm thinking he was tired, hungry, and so he wouldn't sit on the potty.) This morning he brought me the potty seat, so I put him on it...he peed. We had Mabs dance class, and I put him in his diaper for that 2 hours (which included a small nap on the way there)...he was dry when we returned home!! Went potty, ate, went potty again...then left for 2 hours to run a few errands. Put him in his diaper, he slept for about 40mnts...returned home to another dry diaper!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if this is real (I keep expecting this not to really be happening).
But even if he decides next week, that he doesn't want to use the potty anymore...I'm so proud of him for how amazing he has done these past 3 days! I mean, really...can you believe it?!? He's still a baby! Oh, and for what it's worth...I am not pushing this, just taking his lead...I'd much rather have a baby sleeping thru the night than peeing on the potty. Cash is doing things his own way! LOL! On to the cutest little man in undies...

Day One in those pink cotton trainers...I'm using them, since they are like cotton undies and not like diapers (didn't think he'd realize a difference between pullups and diapers).
That face....

Really....frickin hilarious and adorable!

Day two...started in Mabs old trainers again...tiny roses.

Day 3, FINALLY in boy trainers....eating a rootadoo.
Cute little booty in his trainers...so weird to not see him in a diaper.
Day three again...this time in his white trainers. They look like little boxer briefs...ADORABLE.

These trainers are so great...look/feel like undies, and catch most of the accidents.
Screaming cause we wouldn't let him pull all the movies off the shelves.

And...forgot to add, I did get a hip full of teething diarrhea, but that's his first poop accident (and I'm not even attempting poop training yet...scary).

Monday, April 20, 2009

He doesn't say much, but he pees on the potty!

My little baby, Cash has showed NUMEROUS signs of readiness to start potty training..unbelievable, I know..he's alllmost 15 months. He is 100% consistent going before bedtime since we've returned from our trip (I've been putting him on the potty before bath for about 2-3months). And he pushes every single time I put him on the potty, he also does big kid stuff like brush his teeth, clean up spills, and helps clean (lol). So I decided (after a little push from Jen) to start potty-training him! So day 1 was awesome!! He went pee (not tinkle, he's a boy...I gotta remember that) 9 times in the potty, 2 little accidents (both were on the way to the potty, I was making him walk there instead of carrying him to it), and only once was he on the potty and nothing came out (except a fart after he pushed...counts as a success in my book!). That's amazing, never expected that kind of success with a one year old on day 1! He even walked to the potty twice to get on it!!
We also discovered that pink is his color....

Poor Cashy, Target didn't have any boy trainers (the cloth ones). So I'm using Mabelle's (that she never used) until I can get some for him. And I have to remember to call them UNDIES, not panties...ack!

Wish us luck, he's so smart..but a baby running around in undies is a little scary! Hahahaha!

Friday, April 17, 2009

iPhone updates :)

When the camera's not around....the iphone ALWAYS is!! Here's from the past 2 weeks :) ...so it includes many pics from our vacation.

Lookie what we found at Smitty's in Waynesville...life size M&M&Ms!!

And she gave each one a big ol' sugar.

Cash sleeping til after 8am on our departure date from Kearney...this is our alarm we set for 6, he must've snoozed himself.
And our backup alarm...

Back in Vegas...hanging out in the v-ride waiting for Daddy to drop off stuff to his work. Oh the powers of a lollipop. Makes waiting in a car with a sleeing baby and a crazy preschooler...easy :)

She FINALLY sat still enough for me to finish this awesome french braid (not as tight as it should be, but i'll totally take it!!!). Adorable!
Doing her solo arabesque (pronounced ara-bess) & spin ballet moves with Ms. Amanda.Look at how stinking cute she is! (and then there's Cashy in the glare)

Finishing her solo....and a sweet Daddy/Cashy moment in the glare.

Daddy painted our sweet princess's room PINK. Pink, pink, pink. And LOOK....we have overhead lighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with all the upgrades in this house--pool, granite, travertine, hardwoods...--they did not put overhead lighting in any bedroom or living space. So we did that this week...well, paid an electrician to do that.)
Wednesday is Cash's tumble class, and Daddy decided to take Mabs to the playdate with her friends at Pump It Up. We finished and met them over there...little did I know, Cash would be taking his first ride down the slides. ACK! Talk about heart attack! Getting ready to go down with Daddy.
At the bottom...after this, we sent him down alone several times. WHOA, he LOVED it! Kept going "ugh, ugh, ugh" and pointing at the slide to go again. Daredevil..already scaring mama, and he's only ONE!
Yeah..in Vegas, you never know who's ride you might see....Mabelle was the one who spotted her idol's car!! Then she was so exicted she wouldn't even stand still for the pic.