Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter egg hunt & Pat's birthday!

Our playgroup (that we haven't been to since Christmas) had an Easter playdate, complete with egg hunt. We missed our friends so much, it was great to get together. And the next day was Pat's birthday (our really good friend and James' mom) we made her a yummy delicious, gooey butter cake (since we introduced her to dump cake and then puppy chow...we thought we'd keep bringing her the sweets!). She hates me for doing it, but deep down, she loves me more for it :) More them, since I can upload way more pics (and we all know I'm a picture crazy mama).


Logan said...

Oh my gosh, seriously Tracy, I think your kiddos just get cuter and cuter!! And you look great : )

eliseschnarr said...

I am super impressed with all ur baking activities...send some of that energy to TN please!