Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journal Entry...Roadtrip Day 12, Mar 31

Left Missouri, heading for Nebraska..marking the halfway point of the roadtrip. It was just a 5.5hr drive (one of the shorter legs of the drive), and went by so fast. Here's some fun shots from this uneventful drive ;)

The 8ball water tower, for 5yrs I've wanted a pic of I have it! Only in Missouri would a town paint their water tower like an 8ball...
Sleep Mabelle, that's the pretzel position :)

See that flying object above the trees? Can you tell what it is??

Here's another pic of it...above the trees.
It's a stealth bomber!!! There's an air force base on the drive, and we were so amazed to even see it!!
Happy pretzel.
Keeping an eye on that chichi...a tired eye.
Welcome to Nebraska! and it's snowing...nice :)
I miss Missouuuuriiiiiiiii. The tears quickly turned to smiles when she realized how close we were to Charlee!


tracyvanhorne said...

Who doesn't sleep in a pretzel position?!? Huh, and here I was thinking I was the only one... ;0)

That last picture of her sad face is so... sad! Looks like you guys had a great time though!

eliseschnarr said...

Sweet stealth bomber:) love the pretzel sleep position..she looked knocked out! I dont think I sleep that good in my own bed!!

Jenifer said...

LOVE the pretzel position..hilarious!! Christian also drinks and eyes his binkie, funny boys! Looks like a fun road trip :).

Mabelle Grace said...

Watch what you say about the 8-ball water tower. That's in Tipton, MO- and yes, I'm from Tipton, MO! There used to be a factory that built pool tables there. It's long gone but the 8-ball actually disappeared for a while and then returned. Hope it's not a reference to MO the meth capital of the nation!!
I see that as you drove through "God's Country" you guys got a glimpse of the stealth. Every once in a while we catch one flying over my grandparents and they are amazing- especially when they turn and disappear!
- Courtney