Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cash's first haircut!!

Jason mentioned he had to cut his hair, and jokingly asked the kids if they wanted their heads shaved. And since Cash can't answer us, he got his hair cut too! HAHAHAHA! We talked it over for about 10mnts, I even started crying (cause I'm a sap) about cutting my baby's hair for the first time (Mabelle still has not had a trim...ever!). But we decided he needed that outgrown hair around his ears daddy chose the style and got the clippers!

Here is the before of his cute little baby hair.
Jason starting...I was holding the camera and Cash (talent).

Doing a great job...Cash kept moving around and the wind was blowing, but he did GREAT for his first haircut. And Jason did amazing getting it even with the moving head and heavy winds.

Hold still...

Already with a punk attitude!

It's a MOHAWK!

Soooo cute! (notice the undies/trainers!!!)

The back of the mohawk. Potty training update...still doing great, had 4 accidents in first 4 days, then today on Day 5 he had 4 more! HAHAHA! Just taking it day by day, he's doing great and holds it until he gets distracted. Even held it for almost 2 hours tonight. Such a big boy...where'd my baby go?!?!


.:Heather:. said...

Lookin good Cash!

eliseschnarr said...

so cute! j looks like he his really concentrating:) such a big boy!!

Jenifer said...

LOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Such a cutie! Good job Jason! Good job at the potty too Mr Cashy :).

Mabelle Grace said...

Good job dad Cashy looks so cutie such a big boy,he is growing so fast. Grandma

Mabelle Grace said...

Wow- not afraid of the clippers and potty training- can he come give Connor lessons? Adorable!

justheather said...

How adorable! Even with that big boy hair cut and the potty he still looks like a baby!!! It's the cheeks:-)

tracyvanhorne said...

Love it!