Monday, April 20, 2009

He doesn't say much, but he pees on the potty!

My little baby, Cash has showed NUMEROUS signs of readiness to start potty training..unbelievable, I know..he's alllmost 15 months. He is 100% consistent going before bedtime since we've returned from our trip (I've been putting him on the potty before bath for about 2-3months). And he pushes every single time I put him on the potty, he also does big kid stuff like brush his teeth, clean up spills, and helps clean (lol). So I decided (after a little push from Jen) to start potty-training him! So day 1 was awesome!! He went pee (not tinkle, he's a boy...I gotta remember that) 9 times in the potty, 2 little accidents (both were on the way to the potty, I was making him walk there instead of carrying him to it), and only once was he on the potty and nothing came out (except a fart after he pushed...counts as a success in my book!). That's amazing, never expected that kind of success with a one year old on day 1! He even walked to the potty twice to get on it!!
We also discovered that pink is his color....

Poor Cashy, Target didn't have any boy trainers (the cloth ones). So I'm using Mabelle's (that she never used) until I can get some for him. And I have to remember to call them UNDIES, not panties...ack!

Wish us luck, he's so smart..but a baby running around in undies is a little scary! Hahahaha!


Jenifer said...

Your awesome!! Cash is doing great! What a big boy!!!!! LOL at calling them undies instead of panties .....and loooove the pink undies ;).

justheather said...

Oh Cashy!!!! What a big boy, I can't believe how AWESOME he is, wait yes I can:-) so proud of him! And LOL at his pink panties I mean undies!!

eliseschnarr said...

yay cashy!! and he is totally rockin' the pink undies:)

tracyvanhorne said...

YAY CASH!!!!!! What a big boy!! :)