Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, we've been sick this week...again. I would've wagered a bet that it was swine flu, but after 4 days of fevers, snot, coughing, sneezing and sleepless nights, we took them to the doctor and discovered it was just bad colds! YAY!!!! They tested negative for the flus and are steroids to help the cough recover from the raspy croupish sound it was taking on. But because of these bad colds we missed everything this week: preschool, tumbling, gymnastics, tball, and her class Halloween party (the school is having one on Monday, hoping we can attend it!!). Today is the first day they really seem like they are doing a ton better, besides Cash being sleep deprived and grumpy and Mabelle's persistant cough.

That's one sick baby :(
Didn't leave the house for to play in the playroom together :)

Watching tv together

Then someone stole my socks...

Thru the sickies...still CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESIN

Eating bread for the first time ever...amazing.
Opening a package from Mimi and Papa for Halloween books!

She couldn't wait to read them! Loves them, thank you!!


eliseschnarr said...

Boo sickies!! Glad they are finally feeling better:) They do look cute cuddled on the couch together, though! Yay Halloween books!!!

justheather said...

Poor sick babies! I swear Mabelle is the most pitiful sick girl I've ever seen! You better watch it when she's a teenager, my sister had that look perfected by high school which got her out of many unwanted days! LOL! And I love Mr. Man still cheesing through the sickies!

Jenifer said...

Love the snuggling on the couch! Awwwwww. Im glad they are starting to feel better! Poor sweet babies.