Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Best Friends Forever

We just had a GREAT visit from our good friends, Shauna & Charlee. Charlee & Mabelle did not miss a beat, they were so sweet together. They loved each other and played sooo much. We picked them up in the dead of the night (or in Vegas time..the start of the evening!), and had a blast from that moment on! Thanks so much for coming out, Charlee & Shauna!!

Playing in the bath together. Neither girl likes her hair wet, but thought it was hilarious when they'd pour water on each other.
Matching (Target dollar bin) princesses...hahaha!
The caurosel she loves to share with her friends ;)
Our picnic in the park, after Circus Circus ending up being the weirdest casino we'd ever been in (packed like sardines in it, people sleeping in the lobby-looked like some kind of homeless shelter plus luggage, and a dirty packed adventuredome area). Pizza in the park and slides were way better.

Sliding together.
"They are like horsies, momma"
What a fun, sparkly pic.
Running in the

Tackling each other.
Matching pajamas...sooo cute.
The sleeping tiger...
The iron tiger...
The ONE picture I snapped (while nursing) before the lifeguards put a squash on picture taking at the pool (for privacy reasons...maybe strangers didn't want to be on my blog?? NO WAY!).


justheather said...
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justheather said...

I had to delete my other comment cause I can't spell, LOL! Can't have a teacher on here spelling all crazy! The girls look like they had so much fun, I still have the same bff since kindergarten, even after I moved away, I'm sure they will be the same! Also, LOVE the pic of the two of you together!

shari b. said...

that may be the best set of pajamas ever

Jenifer said...

OMG! Pizza at the park, slides, swimming, tigers, MATCHING JAMMIES?? Can i be your BFF Mabelle? ;)

tracyvanhorne said...

What sweet sweet pictures! Those girls are so cute together, just melts my heart! :) So a funny side note - when we were in vegas getting married Todd went to Circus, Circus one night to see a midget mud wrestling show. It was the highlight of his trip! hahahahaha! It is a weird casino indeed!

eliseschnarr said...

so glad mabs got reunited with her bff. you all looked like you a had ton of fun. and circus circus looks scary enough from the outside!!

.:Heather:. said...

what a fun visit! that sparkly pic of you girls is gorgeous! totally frame worthy!