Saturday, July 19, 2008

Big boy in a highchair!

Since a big part of Cash's life is eating...we thought we'd move him up to a highchair. He loves it, and I can actually relax while shoveling the food in his mouth.

Doesn't he look so big in this pic, his little legs sticking out.
Mabelle was so excited for him, this was her face she was making at him...
...and his big smiles, he was returning to her.
And yes, he devoured the half container of prunes and his jar of veggies sitting there. Hahahaha!


eliseschnarr said...

Such a big guy...and good eater(i'm not with him on the prunes, tho). And Mabs looks like a proud big sis!!

justheather said...

i hope they are always this sweet to each other! if they ever aren't just pull out these pics as proof!

Jenifer said...

Love the highchair Ca$h ;). Cute as always!

tracyvanhorne said...

YAY CASH!!! What a big boy!! Man, where did the time go... just yesterday you were posting pregnancy comparison pictures... right??

.:Heather:. said...

the pic of Mabs face & Cash's smile could be you & Jason! Love that highchair! So cutE!