Friday, July 4, 2008

The United States

We bought a puzzle for Mabelle last Sunday, and 4 days later...she knew 28 states, and could tell you where 40ish of them go (starting from the east or west, north or south)! I say 40ish, cause they grouped the northeastern states into bigger pieces. I just wanted her to learn states where our friends and family live...but she now knows that and can identify many, many more! Here's her working on it (she does like us to help...or to show off for us). Some of her favs include Utah, California, New Mexico, Alabama, Colorado..she's so funny (& smart)!

Putting Montana above Idaho.
All done! "lets do it again, mama!"


eliseschnarr said...

such a little miss smarty pants!

Jenifer said...

A genius..really..

justheather said...

what a smart girl! so proud of her:~)

tracyvanhorne said...


.:Heather:. said...

HOLY MOLY! Of course, CA is one of her favorite states-Sage & I are here! :) Can't wait for her to visit it for real in August!