Sunday, July 20, 2008

The weirdest little petting zoo.

Me, the kids, Pat & James decided to drive out to this little petting zoo. It was about 15-20 mnts away (straight west), nestled into the mountains...when we drove up, it looked like a place in the movies, where they kidnap you and do you harm. Kind of weird, odd, & scary. But Pat had been there before, and was obviously released...hahahaha! Turned out to be a GREAT little petting zoo. Still odd, but so much fun. There were chickens running everywhere, and they would let animals randomly walk around. Donkeys, pigs, roosters...and in the middle of all this, I had my first celebrity sighting! Who, you might ask, is at this little zoo (way out in the middle of the no where)?? You'll see...enjoy the pics...

The big fat pig and donkey begging for food, or our green stroller!

Pats new best friend, he tried to sneak attack her from behind!
Mabelle touching a deer's antlers, not even sure what kind of deer that is, just really friendly & soft.

Mabelle riding Jack, the white donkey.
Amongst the donkeys, pigs, & chickens...I found JOE JACKSON (Michael Jackson's dad). I walked up to him and said, "Are you related to Michael Jackson? Are you his dad?" He replied, "hmmmm, I'm all the Jacksons' dad!" He was super nice, just soooo odd, that my first celebrity sighting is Joe Jackson at a petting zoo in the middle of nowhere.
Cash waiting for his turn on the mini-horses. Can you see them behind him?
Mabelle, not sure about the helmet at first...then didn't want to take it off after her ride.

That's THE biggest smile, she loooved riding the pony. Love, that's an understatement. She's my little cowgirl.
And the cowboy. HAHAHAHA!
Feeding the ducks.
I said, 'Mabelle, show me your boots!" She then danced a jig.
Getting food to feed the ducks.


tracyvanhorne said...

Love those boots!! And how cool for your first celebrity sighting... too bad you didn't ask him wth is wrong with his family? Probably from all the beatings....

eliseschnarr said...

love the pony rides!! and all those pics of mama...we never get to see her:)

Jenifer said...

I agree, YAY for pictures of mama too ;).

Love the animals, Mabelles smile and boots, Cash's pony ride, and of course, Joe Jackson..LMAO..

.:Heather:. said...

How cute! I can't believe you saw Joe Jackson, I can't believe you recognized him! Too funny!

Mabs is precious & those ponies are just Cash's size! where are the pics of him rodeo-ing it up???

Unknown said...

only you would recognize joe jackson! lol

justheather said...

I can't believe you knew who Joe Jackson was either! How funny...what the heck was he doing there? Random! Love all the pics and have to agree it's nice to see mama's face!!