Friday, January 2, 2009

11 Month old Cash-y!

Cash hit 11 months on Christmas...and he is into everything and everywhere! He is walking most of the time, and seeing him crawl is a little weird now. He hasn't added more words to his vocab yet, but he is an ornery little guy. He loves for you to chase him, and laughs when he hears the word 'no'. He opens the fireplace and tries to eat the rocks...and smiles so sweetly when you tell him no. He scales the stairs in record time, and giggles when you tell him no. And he LOVES to dance, he dances to any music he hears..commercials, actual songs, or us singing. It's the cutest!! He also has started his very own pout...he slams his chin to his chest in one swift motion, all while crying/whining. But once you pick him up, the chin slamming stops. Put him down again, nonstop chin slamming. HAHAHAHA! It's so darn funny.

Oh my...23 days til he's ONE! Gotta get on his party planning :)


Kristy said...

so adorable! can't wait to see you guys soon!

Jenifer said...

Happy 11 months little guy! You are the cuuuuutest!

.:Heather:. said...

happy 11 months, Cash! Tracy, can't wait to see what you plan for his par-tay! You are the party queen!

justheather said...

I can't believe he's almost 1!!!

tracyvanhorne said...

so so cute! I can't believe he's almost one... where did the time go? geez...

eliseschnarr said...

i think you have you have your hands full with this one...both of your kids have mastered the pout!