Thursday, February 12, 2009

And then there was blood.

Cash was playing on Mabelle's little pink chair, the chair fell over backwards..sending him face first into the carpet. with his pacifier in his mouth. I rushed to him, thinking he had a rug burn on his face...nope, a mouth full of blood greeted me instead. I began making him bit wet paper towels, sent Mabelle upstairs to get Daddy, and then Daddy arrives. We got him a cold washcloth and kept making him bite it, after a little while we were able to tell that he busted his gums on his top two front teeth (which were NOT broken thru yet) with his pacifier. And after some tylenol, cuddles, and a few more bites on that washcloth, he was climbing that pink chair trying to go for round 2. Boys. We think his mouth is fine, and I'm making a dentist appointment after his illnesses are gone to make sure his teeth will still come in ok (in fact, his mouth is good enough to just finish his lunch of cheese puffs and bologna). So in true Tracy fashion, I took pictures of the aftermath in his mouth...

Because honestly, it kind of grossed me out, but I'm a mom who documents everything, including my boy's first bloody accident.
The blood on his shirt...tough guy.
The worst pic...that's the skin hanging down, that we are sure caused all the blood.

Another pic of his owie...the white hangy skin has moved.

And the last pic of the purple soreness.

What will happen next at the Tritten house??? Stay tuned...LOL!


Jenifer said...

Baby Ca$h! Oh no! Hope your mouth feels better asap :(

justheather said...

Bruiser! He's offically a boy! He looks like he took it like a champ though:) Poor little man, your house is never dull that's for sure!

Goms said...

aww.. poor baby! Hope he feels better soon! Both Kavya and Keerthna got the same split lip in the past couple of days. Kavya in her school and Keerthna at home. It hurts me to look it it..

tracyvanhorne said...

awwwwww!!! Poor guy!!! I hope his mouth feels better soon!

eliseschnarr said...

Ouch! It looks like he took it like a trooper, though!

.:Heather:. said...

YIKES! Oh no! I hope he's feeling better!!!!