Monday, February 23, 2009

Not much happening here...

...but puzzles, dancing, coloring, errands, and eating. This week has flown by, probably because I was sick (again..blah), the kids were finally able to start back on their classes, and I had a TON of things to get done now that we were able to leave the house. But we are all now feeling MUCHO better (have a few days of breathing treatments left), and even Cash's mouth has healed, leaving two very large front teeth exposed (don't worry pics of that will come in the next few days). But here's just a few pics of our week :)

Funny, how much he loves this little dancing guy!

Giving him a hi-5!

And of course, some sugar.

Sticking her head thru a ball toss!
Listening to her own mp3 player that Nana got for her.
So proud she has her own.


Jenifer said...

Mabelle looks adorable with her mp3 player! Our girls and their music ;). LOL at Cash and his..wait whats that called? Ive seen the show...hmmm...LOL. Anyway, I'm glad his mouth is better! YAY!

justheather said...

I love Mabs with her music and with her head in the hole, LOL it doesn't even look like her;~) Sweet little Cash with his dancing doll, so cute! Happy everyone is on the mend, can't wait to see those teeth!

Goms said...

How proud is Mabs! Adore her smile :-) Cash is cutest with his sugars to the dancing man!

tracyvanhorne said...

That Gabba Gabba show is HI-LARIOUS! It's like a serious acid trip... love the ones with Rapping with Biz Markie! HAHAHA! Eva likes that weird green one too! What are all those things supposed to be anyway? Makes me want to go out and buy a boom box! :)

Sorry you are sick again, boo! I hope you feel better soon! And so glad Cash's mouth is better - AND with 2 new teeth! YAY!

.:Heather:. said...

yooooo Gabba Gabba!

what a big girl Mabs is with her very own MP3! Sage would be so jealous!!!