Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Am I still cute???

While playing a sweet game of peek-a-boo in the bathtub with Cash (he was out of the tub getting lotioned and dressed), Mabelle covered her face with a washrag....and obviously had her mouth wide open when her tooth met the tub. Well, you can see...the tub took no mercy on her...it chipped her tooth. Not roughhousing, not being a spaz, not jumping around, but being a sweet big sister and distracting her brother while she was patiently waiting on her turn our of the tub..she chips a tooth. Poor sweet Mabelle. She screamed and cried...I was about 4ft away and saw no blood and asked if she was ok...nope. Got her out immediately, checked it out and told her what was wrong. Her first response was "Did I lose my tooth, will it come back, am I still cuuuute?". After much explaination about baby teeth being replaced by permanent teeth and showing her how beautiful and silly she was...she's now pretty proud of her silly smile. We go to the dentist Friday to get xrays and an exam to check out the damage. She says it doesn't hurt but is babying it--which is totally understandable.

Here's the beautiful, cute, silly Mabelle, minus part of her front tooth:


Karol said...

Tell her that Auntie Karol says she isn't just cute...she's beeuteeful!!!

Mabelle Grace said...

She is gorgeous!!! I love her!

eliseschnarr said...

Still verrrrrrryyyyyy beautiful:)

Jenifer said...

Love her! She's so cute. Good luck at the dentist on Friday!

justheather said...

Awwww! A little thing like a chip isn't taking ANYTHING away from that gorgeous face! Still hoping the dentist wants to give her a grill though:) LOL