Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Festival

We had a t-ball game Saturday morning and was going to be cutting it really close to making it to the fall festival in our community, so decided to make the drive to our friend's house and head to their fall was not good at all. But we had good company so it wasn't a loss at all! Cash and Daddy stayed home while Cash snoozed.

Mabelle and her 'boyfriend', Treyce. Daddy had to keep these two seperated at their t-ball game because they were trying to kiss each other on the lips...we got home and had the talk about kissing. Yay for putting the fear of germs in her!! LOL!
They are too cute, they love each other...peas in a pod.
At the festival, decorating pumpkins.

Posing with her pumpkin

Having way more fun playing with Treyce!

Chasing butterflies at the park after we ditched the festival.
Disappointed they couldn't catch the yellow butterfly.

Hand in hand.

Cracking each other up.

They went down this slide a bazillion times!


justheather said...

Too bad the festival was a bust but the kids look like they had fun anyway. Funny on the kissing kiddos, and scary! LOL! Btw... LOVE her outfit:) So glad she's wearing the shirt!!

justheather said...

Oh just noticed that her boyfriend has on a Beatles shirt... love it!!

eliseschnarr said...

Cute shirt (heather:)!!! It looks like the kiddos made their own fun...yay! LOL about the kissing and germs - whatever works!! At least her boyfriend is a cutie, right?:)

Jenifer said...

OMG...Kissing?? You are IN FOR IT MAMA! LOL! They look so happy together :). GREAT pictures!!! Beautiful as usual :)