Monday, February 23, 2009

Our sweet Sunny.

It's been a month since we said good-bye to our sweet puppy Sunny. We had to put her down because of some aggression problems that were progressively getting worse, but we don't want to remember or think about those problems...only how wonderful a puppy she was. I say puppy, because even though she was almost 9yrs old, she never outgrew her puppy stage. Jason named her after having her for a few days (he wanted the PERFECT name for her), and discovered the best name after he realized that she was up every morning with the sunshine. And as anyone knows who stayed with us, she was ALWAYS up at the break of dawn, if not before. She was the sweetest puppy, always ready for any attention especially by laying her head on your lap, eager for that one pat of love. Sunny was the one dog I trusted around the kids, or to protect us..she was the Mama dog and loved us more than anything, and we loved her. She was the babies favorite, probably because she let them climb on her, love her, share her bed, play with her food, and follow her around...all in exchange for that precious attention she appreciated. Sunny was eternally playful, and loved tennis balls (she'd tear them up and eat them) & even enjoyed popping basketballs (lol). She was plagued by always have some injury...whether it was a herniated belly button, torn deu-claw, clogged anal gland, or a busted ear...she was happy to be babied (with her cuddle time on the couch) and enjoyed the ride to the vet (always looking on the bright side ;). Here's just a few pics of our sweet four-legged baby who is our angel watching over us now, Sweet Sunny


Unknown said...

let's not forget the time she ate your ring!!

eliseschnarr said...

we loved her soooo much!!

Tracy said...

You're sooo right, I did forget when she ate my diamond...that was pretty funny! LOL!

justheather said...

Oh sweet sunny, made me cry:~) I know how hard it is but like you said now she's your angel.

tracyvanhorne said...

Tracy that was so sweet! Priceless time spent with the kiddos! What great pictures :)

Sweet Angel Sunny!

.:Heather:. said...

such sweet pictures! What a little love. She will always have a special place in your family!