Friday, May 8, 2009

And more swimming...

We are now on 3 days in a row...definitely getting use out of it with this new solar cover. It has worked wonders...anyone who swam with us last year, knows how FREEZING it was. It's so much warmer now, making it enjoyable!! Cash joined in on the fun this morning! Picture overload but soooo cute how much they LOVE to swim.

My beauty with her 800 swimming suits...(yesterday)
ACK me in a swimsuit...good thing you can't see my grossness! (Ralph Lauren is a little risque with those toddler suits, huh?? hahahaha)

I think she is totally over waiting for a pic before I let her swim....HAHAHAHA!!

The face..


He is a water baby just like his sister!

Getting more comfortable swimming all over the pool with her floaties (believe me, we don't want them to be a crutch, but she's got to get comfy somehow...)

He was constantly trying to put his face in the water...scaring the poo out of us!
Sooooo big!

Noodle-legs on the steps.
Swimming, swimming, swimming...

Teaching Cash the joys of jumping in.

I stripped him down before I sent him in with Daddy (too hot for him to stay out long), and caught this pic before they walked away! Muah ha ha...bribery for later!


Jenifer said...

LOVE the butt!!!!! LOL!!! Swimming looks like tons of fun at the ol' Tritten casa. Maybe after your Chicago invasion, I will invade your house ;). I also love Mabes swim suit and how cute she is swimming like a big girl!

eliseschnarr said...

LOVE that cute butt...hahaha! So glad your pool is finally warm! Mabelle's risky suit is not as risky as it was last year at the

shari b. said...

There is nothing as precious as butt dimples!! I love it that all four of you swim daily together-that's the life!!

justheather said...

LOVE the baby booty!!! What a fun morning, I've got to get there soon so I can swim too!!! Live all Mabelle's suits too:)

tracyvanhorne said...

heehee, the butt shot is so cute! :)