Monday, May 25, 2009


.:Heather:. said...

YAY YAY YAY you finally updated! LOOOOOVE all these pictures! Looks like you guys had a grrrrrreat time! :)

Jenifer said...

We had a GREAT time and you all were awesome guests! I love the slideshow, except for my post baby fatness creepin' in on the pictures :). We miss you already and I cant wait to see you all soon!

ps, Tailia says she misses sharing toys with Mabelle...LMAO!

eliseschnarr said...

So sweet! It looks like y'all had a blast. Frankie is freaking adorable...I wish Matylda loved the wrap like that!

tracyvanhorne said...

Looks like a great time was had by all :) I was wondering why you were ignoring my texts... heehee, uh you have been a little busy! hahaha!

Jen - what post baby fatness??! Uh I don't see any... you are so amazing! 4 kids, you are like super Mom!

Kerri said...

OMG looks like you had a great time!!! The girls def look like sisters :) Baby Frankie is just too cute too!

kelly said...

Those are wonderful! =)