Monday, May 25, 2009

Visit to Chicago!

Me and the kids took a trip to Chicago to see some of our best friends...Jenifer, Jerry, Nic, Tailia, Christian and Frankie (whew...that was alot of! We had a blast...besides the crazy flights (flight out there...think 2 hours on an un-airconditioned plane, then a 3.5 hour flight....and on the way home a screaming sleepy Cash the WHOLE flight), but it was worth it. The kids are so great together (they are like siblings...and the girls definitely bicker like sisters, so cute!). Frankie was absolutely adorable and Cash was so gentle with her (without much guidance), must mean he needs a little brother or sister too...HAHAHAHA! We didn't do a ton outside of the house, except for the zoo trip, but we had so much fun just hanging out---sometimes that's the BEST times :)

We can't wait to see them again!! Enjoy the pics (sorry for the slideshow, Heather, but I narrowed it down to 40ish pics and had to share all of those!! LOL!)!! Grrrr on the slideshow cutting the left sides of my pics on it and you can see the pics by themselves.

Small notes to add: Cash's updo mohawk courtesy of Jen and Jerry...its sooo cute, the boys were constantly stealing each other's pacifiers and drinks, Mabs loved Nic (cause he loves Spiderman too), Frankie was such a good baby, Christian is soooo content with books (never seen a baby LOVE books soooo much)...oh my goodness, there's too much to even try to share/explain!! Just enjoy!


Logan said...

I've been checking for these pictures!! LOL! Love them! I just love seeing all the kiddos together. So funny to think how we all met and now your kiddos are best buddies! I love it : )

justheather said...

Fun times, too bad I haven't seen the pics yet...LOL!

Adrians Mama said...

Love the pics! Too cute!!