Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Mother's Day :)

I had a great mother's day, spent it with a few of my favorite people...Mabelle and Cash. Daddy had to work during the day, so we spent time with him in the morning and that night. They got me the sweetest gifts, and all day Mabelle told me "Happy Mudder's Day, Mama. I love you." It' doesn't get any better than that :)

No one could wait for me to get gift opening happend right after I woke up (from sleeping in to 745...Mabelle did tell me what she had got me a few days before but was very vague about it. So I was still surprised...yay!)

I cried...the card had Mabelle's little voice recorded in it. It was the sweetest sound!

Cash...with me in the background admiring my new hat (it covers my greasy head when I don't shower, or when I do and don't wanna do my hair) and books.

Just a funny pic.

The new hat and my flowers.

I also get to do the backyard however I want, so I got an xtra large red pot and some plants to put in one drab corner of the patio. Mabelle picked out a hibiscus for it too :)

Can you tell she didn't like having the potting soil on her hands?

Awful pic of me...but it's my new patio set! (ignore the dog poo in the background...yucko)

Hope every other mother had a day as sweet as mine!


tracyvanhorne said...

Whoa that is a sweeeeeeet hat! Where can I get one for my not so great hair days??

Looks like you had a fantabulous mother's day! Lovin that red pot!

Jenifer said...

How awesome!!!! Love the flower pot and YAY for your new patio set!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!

justheather said...

Fun times!!! Love it all, and the awesome "sleeping in" LOL!

eliseschnarr said...

Such a sweet mother's day from your babies:)

.:Heather:. said...

Happy Mudder's day!

So jealous you got to sleep in ! :)