Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cash's first carosel ride! (well 2nd, but first on a horse)

A week ago, I went to the outlet mall with just the kids...and realized Cash was old enough to sit on the carosel and maybe enjoy it! So instead of promising Mabelle that 'next time we could go on the carosel', I bought two tickets and saddled up. Of course I wanted to document the special moment...and all I had was my's what I got:

Holding on..with his chi-chi, he really liked the ride!
Mabelle was getting over crying (since she had snapped her finger in the buckle)...and starting to enjoy her carosel ride.

Mohawk on the carosel :)
Maybe next time Dad will be with us and we'll get some GOOD pics :)


tracyvanhorne said...

whoa... I'm feeling dizzy.... :) I love how you post even bad pictures and I can't even manage to post any pictures...

.:Heather:. said...

so fun!!! :)

eliseschnarr said...

LOVE the mohawk in the wind:)

and I'm with Tracy...makes me feel a little dizzy. Such a good mama to ride the dizzy rides!

Jenifer said...

C-U-T-E!!! (owww on the finger though) :(

Kristy said...

love it! Colin just had his first ride on that carousel too. Charlotte begs to ride it but then choose to sit on the handicap bench the whole time!