Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mabs from the iphone...

Update from my phone....all Mabelle :)
Ready to swim.

New OP a size 4, a little too big!

Beautiful Mabelle with her Nana big hair and lipstick!

After she went under the water...cause of our biggest fear: thought she still had her floaties on and just swam into the deep end. ACK! She was a-ok though.


tracyvanhorne said...

Lovin the new OP swimsuit! I was thinking how I needed to go get another one... heehee! :)

justheather said...

That kid has sooo many swim suits! So cute tho. Love her big hair and lipstick!! LOL

.:Heather:. said...

so that's three suits I counted. How many more does she have? LOL

I think Sage has three or for pools with chlorine, one for pools with the other stuff that turns things green, one for the beach & one back up. :) We are so bad!

eliseschnarr said...

LMAO at her Nana hair and lips:)

Jenifer said...

Love the swinsuits! Im glad she was ok after going under!!! AHHH!