Monday, May 4, 2009

Just another Monday...

We got our results back Align Lefttoday, from Cash's stool last Monday, and they were all negative...but we had another case of blood in poo yesterday. Both instances were the following morning after eating watermelon (alot of it), I think he might have a food allergy. Making an appt to discuss with the doctor if we need to see an allergist...oh, he LOVES watermelon, gonna be a sad day if we have to take that away. Anyhoo...just another Monday at our house.
My little Linus, dragging his blankie behind him.
Who needs toys when you have an empty milk jug??He played with that jug for over an hour...up and down the slide, bouncing it on the floors, and playing it like the drums. The whole time laughing so hard!

While Cashy was playing milk jug...Mabs was playing Veruca Salt (off Willie Wonka, the naughty kid who is the 'bad egg' or 'bad nut') & busted her lip on her makeshift trash shoot. No tears, just blood. Niiiiiice.


.:Heather:. said...

too funny with the milk jug & poor mabs' lip! :(

good detective work on the watermelon, mama!

Unknown said...


eliseschnarr said...

that would suck if cashy is allergic to is the best melon!!

Jenifer said...

LOL at the milk jug. Now i know what to buy for xmas ;). Poor Mabelle! Ouch!

justheather said...

Poor Cashy... hope he's not allergic! He's so cute in his undies! And poor Mabs!

Karol said...

Oh, sweet Mabs, such a BIG girl not to cry...I think I would have!!!