Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swimming in a warmer pool!

Not many pics were taken...cause Mommy and Daddy swam too! Cash napped :) Here's a few pics before we got in with her. Yay the solar cover is working (there was still a small chill to it, but it'll get warmer as it stays hot outside).

Before we went outside..can you tell she's saying, "Hurry up, MOM..I wanna swim!!"
Before her hair was pulled up...

It was fun and not so cold! We played for about 45mnts...YAY!!! The joys of having a pool....awe-some!


Jenifer said...

Can she get any cuter???? Love the swim suit! Adorable!

eliseschnarr said...

So jealous! Cant wait till we can bring Matylda to swim with her cousins

justheather said...

Fun in the sun!! She is sooooo stinkin cute, I love her hurry up face!! LOL

tracyvanhorne said...

ok seriously?? Where does Mabs get all these awesome swimsuits... and why am I not informed of all cute swimsuit purchases?!? ;) Love the pictures!

Rachel said...

I love all of her swimsuits! Blue is an awesome color on her!