Tuesday, May 26, 2009

16 months yesterday for Cashy!

The picture says it all...he drinks capri sun, he's no longer a bitty baby. His loves and activities in a big nutshell...loves bracelets, putting on shoes, drinking capri suns (lol), loves sweets (tries to steal Mabs's lollipops...eek), babbles still with some coherent words, not actively potty training (but can still baffle you with his potty abilities), still rear-faces in his carseat, still nurses, still wakes too many times in the night, LOVES his sister more than anything, lights up when he sees his daddy, and is the sweetest little cuddler!!

Happy 16 months, beautiful boy!


eliseschnarr said...

such a sweet, big boy. I bet he lights up for mama too:)

Jenifer said...

Happy 16 momths cutie!!

tracyvanhorne said...

I can't believe how grown up he looks in that picture... weren't you just posting belly pic comparisons like yesterday?? Sigh...

Happy 16 months Cash! :)

justheather said...

Aww, 16 months already... What a sweet big boy!

.:Heather:. said...

Happy birthday big man!!!!!!!

Hilary said...

Sweet baby boy! He sounds like a typical little man to me! Precious!

Adrians Mama said...

Oh goodness he is VERY cute!!